HST CREATIVE - Welding automats and rotary positioners for industrial use

Proven welding automats and rotary positioners
... for even bigger productivity and welding quality
We are producing typified welding machines, welding automats and rotary welding positioners for standard industrial production processes. Circumferential and longitudinal welding, screw layered and surface welding, preparation of weld surfaces. We are also providing technological consultancy in the field of metal welding.

Technological units, custom-made and project solutions
... even for challenging and ambitious business plans
Thanks to our research and development division we can design not only the smaller welding
machines and positioners but also complex technological units or welding production lines
exactly based to the customer's requirements and the specific production program as special
custom-made solution. We can handle even technically complex and ambitious projects.

Development of tools and technological devices
... for implementation of complicated welding processes
We are developing not only the welding machines but also the special clamping
tools entering to the welding production process as well as fixtures for
multi-phase productive production in the highest possible quality.