HST CREATIVE is autonomous division of the company HST TECHNOLOGIC s.r.o. with the main aim to focus on R&D, especially on the developement of technologies of metal welding using electric arc and low - energy plasma. Below you can read the most important milestones of the history of HST CREATIVE.
- HST CREATIVE was established in 2007, at first as three - year lasting project with the main aim to definite conditions for establishment of single division focusing on R&D with connections to service and trade. In 2009 decision of the director of HST TechnoLogic s.r.o. came and another time period in the history of HST CREATIVE was started with the plan for the next five years.
- In 2012 modern centre of R&D was opened to honour Nikola Tesla, one of the most significant scientist of 20. century and the centre is named to honour him. In this centre systematic work was started by the developement of serial production of machines for several branches of industry, but always for purposes of automatization of welding.
- Initial idea came into ambitious project during the time and HST CREATIVE position on the market is getting stronger and stronger these days not only in the area of the Czech Republic but also in whole Europe. Product portfolio of HST CREATIVE is comprised of wide range of product lines for automatization and mechanization of welding not only for smaller workshops but also for industrial production lines.
- The main aim of HST CREATIVE is to be one of the most significant suppliers of welding technology for special purposes in Europe. To reach this aim several original strategies written in company codex "Another Step" will be applied.
- We want to make the position of our technique stronger and stronger up to its limits. We want to produce and deliver sophisticated and user - friendly machines with great performance and wide range of possibilities.
Structure of the company
- HST CREATIVE is devided into three internal departments. R&D department, production department and department of services. Head of each department is the manager by who is the communication with another departments realized on high level including supplier - customer relations. CEO is the head of whole HST CREATIVE.
- Department of R&D is divided into construction department, department of electroconstruction, department of SW development, department of HW development and department of testings and lawmaking.
- Department of production is divided into prototype production, production of single units, serial production.